At Gorjup Law Firm, we recognise that our decisions and actions have an impact on the community in which we live and work. Therefore, we work with our business partners, the community, our employees and the environment to develop and participate in a wide range of corporate social responsibility programmes. The success of our law firm is based on interdependence and the pursuit of integrated and balanced business and operations.

This is also how our children see us.

družbena odgovornost

Student Civil Trial

In cooperation with the Faculty of Law of the University of Maribor, we regularly participate in the Student Civil Trial Competition, where Slovenian students compete in a simulation of a civil court case. The Gorjup Law Firm passes on its knowledge to the younger generations and educates students to become responsible members of our community.

študentska pravda
študentska pravda

Practical training for students

In cooperation with the Faculty of Law of the University of Maribor, we offer students an internship in our law firm. During the two-week internship, they learn about the work of a lawyer and legal procedures, prepare documents together with our lawyers and participate in court hearings. For future lawyers, this internship provides an invaluable insight into the legal profession, strengthens their professional experience and enriches their CV when they enter the job market.

praktično usposabljanje študentov
praktično usposabljanje študentov


In cooperation with ELSA Maribor – Association of European Law Students – we hosted a selected foreign student at our law firm for a fortnight as part of the ELSA STEP project in 2017. During this time, he got an insight into the work processes of the law firm, learned about the differences between the legal systems of the countries and, of course, had time to get to know our culture better. In 2022, a foreign student completed a one-month internship with us as part of the ERAMUS+ programme.


Pro Bono Legal Aid Day

For many years we have responsibly participated in the Pro Bono Legal Aid Days campaign, with which the Slovenian Bar Association celebrates its annual holiday on 19 December. On this day, we offer free legal advice to the people. We lawyers have set a good example and inspired other professional associations (doctors, notaries, dentists and also detectives) with our socially responsible actions. Together we are creating a society based on solidarity, trust and responsibility.


Good relations come first

Good workplace relations are a priority at our firm. We often organise a variety of activities with and for our staff to foster team spirit outside the workplace.

Our employees also have the opportunity to complete an internship at an AVRIO member firm abroad. In 2018, Nikita Zatler did a week of professional internship at Caldwell & Robinson, Solicitors in Northern Ireland and in 2022 Eva Žagar did an internship in Brussels at ebl Redsky law firm.

Dobri odnosi na prvem mestu
Dobri odnosi na prvem mestu

Occupational health

In addition to good relations among staff, we also promote health at the workplace. Healthy fruit snacks and water are always available for everyone, a healthy breakfast is occasionally offered in the office and a monthly massage for staff has also been held in our offices. In the past, we have offered our staff weekly tennis sessions, fitness and Xbody workouts and badminton, and we often organise sports outings and participate in other sport activities.

Zdravje na delovno mesto
Zdravje na delovno mesto

Concern for the environment

For short trips around town, we often use the company bike or share a 100% electric Avant2Go car to reduce our environmental footprint.

Skrb za okolje:
Skrb za okolje: