As he had always been interested in the legal profession, he decided to study at the Faculty of Law of the University of Maribor, which he successfully completed in 2005 with the defence of his dissertation Justice in Slovenia – from the March Revolution to the Disintegration of the Old Yugoslavia. During his studies, he spent half a year as an exchange student in Rotterdam. Immediately after graduating, he started working at the Gorjup Law Firm and passed the State law exam in 2009. Working in a law firm is a rewarding experience, especially because he helps those who cannot get justice themselves. He is also very happy when his first and last name are spelled correctly in court, because many spelling mistakes cause laughter in the office. In his free time, he plays football and walks his dog.
Favourite quote: “Fortune favours the brave”.
Judicial trainee, Gorjup Law Firm, Maribor
Candidate lawyer, Gorjup Law Firm, Maribor
Lawyer, Gorjup Law Firm, Maribor